Because in my alternate happy life I am a designer/cartoonist/cupcake bakery owner, I've been enjoying playing around with mock save the dates and invites for our wedding. I put this one together last week. The numbers are longitude/latitude coordinates of all the places Dave and I have lived over the years, with a heart next to the coordinates for Morristown, NJ, where we're getting married.
I think the thing we're most excited for (aside from the general rah rah yay we're married feelings one should have) is living together in the same place after our years of long-distancing it, and we're looking for ways for our wedding to reflect that. Dave has already vetoed going for the obvious "maps" theme (fiance sez: "That is weird and cliche. We don't care about maps. They are not our thing."), but we're thinking about other ways to show our journeys around the world, the hours we've spent traveling to see each other, the time of our lives where constant movement was the norm, and the happiness we feel knowing that we can, finally, stay still.
I am not toootally in love with this Save-the-Date design, since it's a little obscure, but I also don't want to include a very obvious HI WE ARE COORDINATES OF PLACES!!! note anywhere. Dave also thinks we should include La Plata, Argentina, where he lived for the first three months of our relationship (we have a lot of long-distance practice...). I am still iffy, although I think it's pretty and like the basic concept (also like that I did it in about 3 minutes).
From top to bottom: Morris Plains, NJ (my hometown); Moorestown, NJ (Dave's hometown); Cambridge, MA (where we went to school and met); Astoria, NY (where I live now); Potes, Spain (where we got engaged); Chicago, IL (where Dave lives now); and Morristown, NJ (where we're gettin hitched)
Dear Shocked/Concerned Friends and Family: The Save the Date date is not for realsies, I just stuck in a somewhat random and semi-plausible day to see how it looked. Don't go savin nothin yet. Love, K+D
This is SO cute. LOVE.